Other OBGYN Services

Vaginal Reconstruction Learn More

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging. Some surgeons claim it can even improve sensitivity — a claim the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has strongly challenged.

While it’s true that vaginal tissues can stretch, surgically tightening the vaginal tissue in itself cannot guarantee a heightened sexual response, since desire, arousal, and orgasm are complex, highly personal responses, conditioned as much by emotional, spiritual, and interpersonal factors as aesthetic ones. In addition, sexual “sensitivity” doesn’t automatically lead to more pleasure.

Repair of ruptured hymen Learn More

For some women, it is important that their hymen be intact while unmarried due to cultural, religious, social or ethnic reasons. Sexual intercourse will rupture the hymen, however, it may also be ruptured due to a cause not related to sexual activity. Tampon use, horseback riding, and activities requiring extreme flexibility may also be a cause. As a result, hymen restoration has become one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures for women in Toronto, and around the world.

Vaginal Repair Learn More

Vaginal vault prolapse occurs when the upper portion of the vagina loses its normal shape and sags or drops down into the vaginal canal or outside of the vagina. It may occur alone or along with prolapse of the bladder (cystocele), urethra (urethrocele), rectum (rectocele), or small bowel (enterocele). Vaginal vault prolapse camera.gif is usually caused by weakness of the pelvic and vaginal tissues and muscles. It happens most in women who have had their uterus removed (hysterectomy).

Pain management

Pelvic pain treatment

Additional Services

  • Acupuncture
  • Therapy for scars